Premium Inn Noida Sector 15 It is located in Sector 15.
Hotel is rated 2.6 out of 5, which is considered as average.
The Hotel is in proximity to some popular tourist attractions and other places of interest in Noida. Our 24-hour helpdesk ensures your needs and requirements are catered. This hotel also features complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services. The property enjoys a great location advantage and provides easy and fast connectivity to the major transit points of the city. Some of the popular transit points from PremiumInn are Noida Sector 16 Metro Station 580 mtrs, Noida Sector 15 Metro Station 750 mtrs and Ashok Nagar Metro Station 1.4 kms.
Some of the tourist attractions near PremiumInn Shri Kali Mata Mandir 50 mtrs, Shree Hanuman Mandir 500 mtrs, Shiv Temple 600 mtrs, Shri Lal Mandir 650 mtrs, Hanuman Temple 750 mtrs, Shri Sanatan Dharm Mandir 850 mtrs and Decathlon Mall of India, Noida 1.7 kms.
Free Wi-Fi, Luggage Assistance, Seating Area, Power Backup, Security, CCTV.
Unit fitted TV, Wake-up Call, Room Service, Telephone, Housekeeping,
The property enjoys a great location advantage and provides easy and fast connectivity to the major transit points of the city.
Some of the popular transit points from PremiumInn are Noida Sector 16 Metro Station 580 mtrs, Noida Sector 15 Metro Station 750 mtrs and Ashok Nagar Metro Station 1.4 kms.